When you are looking for a better web hosting service and want to change your provider, you shall have to transfer the site content to the web servers of the new company. While this can be carried out easily for a small HTML website, it may be harder to move a script-driven website, which employs a database, not to mention when you have a few Internet sites. You shall have to migrate a large amount of files, databases and e-mails, not mentioning that you shall have to import everything on the new server and adjust a variety of system settings so that you can get the websites online on the new Internet hosting platform. To save you the time and the hassle to transfer your content, we offer an absolutely free Internet site migration service, so with respect to the kind of web hosting and the particular plan that you choose, our tech support team will be able to move even a number of websites for you, making certain that the way they look and function will be identical.

Assisted Website Migration in Shared Web Hosting

The service is available with each shared web hosting package which we offer, so once your new account is active, you can contact us to prepare the migration procedure. Our qualified tech support team can relocate even multiple Internet sites depending on the particular plan you have signed up for and shall test out each of them on our end to ensure that everything functions perfectly when you point your domain name to our innovative cloud hosting platform. That way, you will not detect any downtime of your Internet sites since the exact same content shall show up whenever the new domain name servers propagate. We're able to move any kind of Internet site, including a custom-built one, as long as it runs on a Linux-powered hosting server and it's not built by using a closed-source platform such as Wix or Weebly since we can't access the actual site files. The whole migration procedure is usually performed within 24-48 hours and we shall inform you the moment we are done.

Assisted Website Migration in VPS Hosting

In the event that you sign up for one of our Linux VPS hosting, we can easily transfer many websites from your current web hosting provider at no additional charge on top of the monthly VPS cost. Given that our servers run on Linux, your Internet sites should also be running on such a web server and they must not be designed using a closed online platform like Wix or Jimdo, but apart from that there aren't limits regarding what the Internet sites ought to be - WordPress, Joomla, OpenCart or custom-built ones. Our knowledgeable tech support will start the migration the instant your VPS is all set and you contact them. The time period for the migration varies according to the number of websites and their size, but in most cases the entire procedure will not take more than 2 days and this time includes in depth tests to make certain that all sites shall work properly on our end. You can change the name servers of the domain names that you want to host on the VPS once we notify you that the information has been relocated and you won't detect any downtime as the exact same content shall be available on both web servers.