Every time you obtain a new website hosting account, your payment is processed, the account is set up and as automatic as the entire process may seem, there are always smaller things which are conducted personally. For every virtual or a dedicated server there're even more tasks to be done considering that these kinds of web hosting usually need a manual setup, software installation & configuration, checking the server environment so as to guarantee that everything is working fine, etc. To fund the cost for the time and efforts all these things take, a lot of companies require a one-time installation cost to be paid by their clients in addition to the cost for the shared web hosting. The charge in most cases is valid for every new hosting account being obtained and it is rarely listed on the company’s site, but it would appear on your checkout page.

Setup Fee in Shared Web Hosting

Our shared web hosting plans do not have any kind of installation charges or any other concealed charges on the whole. When you purchase an account, we'll process your transaction at once then the account will be generated and activated by our system without delay. The total price that you will be required to pay for your website hosting plan is identical everywhere - on your front, order & payment pages, and you will not see or be charged anything besides that cost at any time. This is valid irrespective of whether you get a number of accounts as it is our belief that building trust is more important than getting a few more dollars. The account activation is immediate, so you'll be able to proceed and start setting up your websites immediately.

Setup Fee in VPS Hosting

Our virtual private server packages don't have installation charges as well as any obscured charges of any sort. If you obtain such a package, we'll assemble the server, install its Operating System, web server software, MySQL, etcetera, and we'll give you an entirely functional system without any additional charges. All you will have to pay will be the regular monthly price for the plan you've picked and that cost will be the same for the subsequent months too. It is our belief that charging you additional money for a process that's almost entirely automated is very unreasonable, which means that the amount you see on our front page is the same as the one that will appear on your bank statement. This is valid even when we move one or more sites from your shared hosting account to your brand new virtual server.